20” wide by 4” high medium-weight fabric. You can use just about any kind, like t-shirt, quilting, velour, silk, etc.
9” long x 1/8” wide elastic
matching all-purpose thread
sewing machine
hand-sewing needle
bodkin or a large safety pin
Fold fabric in half with the fabric fronts facing, length-wise and sew a 1/4” wide seam allowance along the long raw edges.
Flip right-side-out.
Using a safety pin or bodkin, attach the tool to the end of the elastic and pull into the tube. Make sure you keep both elastic ends in sight.
Tie the ends of the elastic together, leaving a 1/2” tail, like you would for hand sewing.
Fold one end toward itself so raw edges are tucked inside. Tuck the remaining end into the folded end about 1/2”.
Hand sew the ends together with small stitches. Back stitch at the end and you are done!